Finished jobs table

Clicking the Finished button on the Jobs page displays a table of all completed jobs listed in chronological order. The table of jobs is composed of the following columns:

  • Status: Displays the current state of the job. The statuses are as follows:

    • Success

    • Error

  • Job name: The name of the job run.

  • Attempts: How many times the job was run.

  • Scheduler type: The scheduler type of the job.

    • Periodic: Jobs that are permanently stored with one or more repeating triggers.

    • On Demand: Non-durable jobs that are triggered from a specific or periodic event and are auto-deleted after the triggering event.

  • Started: When the job was started in your environment.

  • End Time: When the job was finished in your environment.

  • Duration: The amount of time the job took to complete its run.

Filtering the Finished jobs table

You can refine the list of jobs displayed in the table by clicking the + Filter button and selecting one of the following options:

  • End Time: Selecting this filter displays a date picker where you can choose a start and end date. Once selected, the table will show all jobs finished within the specified time frame.

  • Error Status: Selecting this filter will show all jobs that ended with an error.

  • Job Name: Selecting this filter displays a list of all available jobs. Once a job is selected, the table will show all completed entries for this job. Multiple jobs can be selected.

  • Scheduler Type: Selecting this filter display a list of scheduler types. Once a scheduler type is selected, the table will show all entries of the selected scheduler type.