Scaling job runner, scan, bomengine, and binaryscanner containers
The job runner, scan, bomengine, and binaryscanner containers can be scaled.
You may need to be a user in the docker group, a root user, or have sudo
access to run the following command.
Scaling bomengine containers
This example adds a second bomengine container:
docker service scale hub_bomengine=2
You can remove a bomengine container by specifying a lower number than the current number of bomengine containers. The following example scales back the bomengine containers to a single container:
docker service scale hub_bomengine=1
Scaling job runner containers
This example adds a second Job Runner container:
docker service scale hub_jobrunner=2
You can remove a job runner container by specifying a lower number than the current number of job runner containers. The following example scales back the job runner containers to a single container:
docker service scale hub_jobrunner=1
Scaling scan containers
This example adds a second Scan container:
docker service scale hub_scan=2
You can remove a scan container by specifying a lower number than the current number of scan containers. The following example scales back the scan containers to a single container:
docker service scale hub_scan=1
Scaling binaryscanner containers
Binaryscanner containers are used with Black Duck Binary Analysis.
This example adds a second binaryscanner container:
docker service scale bdba-worker=2
You can remove a binaryscanner container by specifying a lower number than the current number of binaryscanner containers. The following example scales back the binaryscanner containers to a single container:
docker service scale bdba-worker=1