Backing up and restoring data

If the database is internal (i.e. using the postgres container as the backend database), you could make use of the scripts under the docker-swarm/bin folder for the backup and restore.

Backing up your data

  1. Start HUB as database migrate mode:

    docker stack rm hub
    docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.dbmigrate.yml hub
  2. Run the following command:

    ./ /pathtodbdump

    You will have the following files under /pathtodbdump after the script completes:

    • bds_hub.dump
    • globals.sql

Restoring your data

You must first delete the existing hub_postgres96-data-volume before you can restore your database. Use the following command to do so:

STACK=${STACK:-hub}  -- change the "hub" part to match your actual deployment
docker volume rm ${STACK}_postgres96-data-volume

Once you have deleted the existing volume, you can restore your database by following these steps:

  1. Start a brand new HUB as database migrate mode and then use to restore the data:

    docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.dbmigrate.yml hub
    ./ /pathtodbdump
  2. And finally, start HUB normally:

    docker stack rm hub
    docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml -c sizes-gen04/120sph.yaml -c docker-compose.local-overrides.yml hub

    The resource definition file used above can be changed to better fit your scanning patterns and usage. See the Distribution section for a list of all available options. Please note the system requirements for each option as they increase with greater resource definitions.

If the database is external, please contact your database administrator for the data backup.