Using custom certificates

The webserver container has a self-signed certificate obtained from Docker. You may want to replace this certificate with a custom certificate-key pair.

  1. Use the docker secret command to tell Docker Swarm the certificate and key by using WEBSERVER_CUSTOM_CERT_FILE and WEBSERVER_CUSTOM_KEY_FILE. The name of the secret must include the stack name. In the following example, the stack name is 'hub':

    docker secret create hub_WEBSERVER_CUSTOM_CERT_FILE <certificate file>
    docker secret create hub_WEBSERVER_CUSTOM_KEY_FILE <key file>
  2. Add the secret to the webserver service in the docker-compose.local-overrides.yml file:

  3. Remove the comment character (#) from the secrets section located at the end of the docker-compose.local-overrides.yml file located in the docker-swarm directory:

        external: true
        name: "hub_WEBSERVER_CUSTOM_CERT_FILE"  
        external: true
        name: "hub_WEBSERVER_CUSTOM_KEY_FILE"
  4. The healthcheck property in the webserver service the docker-compose.local-overrides.yml file must point to the new certificate from the secret:
        test: [CMD, /usr/local/bin/, 'https://localhost:8443/health-checks/liveness',/run/secrets/WEBSERVER_CUSTOM_CERT_FILE]
  5. Redeploy the stack by running the following command:

    docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml -c docker-compose.local-overrides.yml hub


If you encounter the following error, follow the steps below:

Error response from daemon: rpc error: code = AlreadyExists desc = secret hub_WEBSERVER_CUSTOM_CERT_FILE already exists.

  1. Stop Black Duck.

    docker stack rm hub
    docker ps : to wait until all containers are down
  2. Remove previous secrets.

    docker secret rm hub_WEBSERVER_CUSTOM_CERT_FILE
    docker secret rm hub_WEBSERVER_CUSTOM_KEY_FILE
  3. Create secrets again with new valid ones.

    docker secret create hub_WEBSERVER_CUSTOM_CERT_FILE <certificate file>
    docker secret create hub_WEBSERVER_CUSTOM_KEY_FILE <key file>
  4. Redeploy Black Duck.

    docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml -c docker-compose.local-overrides.yml hub
  5. Wait until all containers are healthy including nginx.

Note: If you have already updated your certificate and made changes to the overrides file, ensure you uncomment the secrets portions because the new version of Black Duck will have new files.