Generating seeds
Generating seeds in OpenSSL
The content of the seeds can be generated using any mechanism that generates secure random contents at least 1024 bytes long. As soon as a seed has been created and saved in a secret, it should be removed from your file system and saved in a private, secure location.
The OpenSSL command is as follows:
openssl rand -hex 1024 > root_seed
Generating seeds in Docker Swarm
In Docker Swarm, Black Duck must be stopped in order to create and delete secrets. The Docker Swarm command is as follows:
docker secret create crypto-root-seed ./root_seed
In Docker Swarm, a secret configured in the orchestration files must exist and it cannot be zero length. To work around this restriction, Black Duck treats "placeholder" encryption seeds of 2 or less bytes as if they do not exist. As such, the previous key secret can be deleted in Docker Swarm with the following command:
echo -n "1" | docker secret create crypto-prev-seed –
Once cryptography is enabled via the orchestration files, the three seed secrets must be created with commands analogous to those shown here, before enabling Black Duck secrets encryption; see sample scripts.