Viewing overall risk
Project level
The Watching, My Projects, and saved search dashboards show the overall risk across all projects where you are a project team member.
Click here for more information about using this page to understand security vulnerabilities associated with your projects.
Project version level
Risk information for a specific project version is shown on the project version's Components tab.
Also known as the BOM page, this tab shows all type of risks associated with each component in the project version's BOM.
Component version level
Risk information for a specific component version is shown in the Security tab.
Additionally, if a component version's origin has been flagged with further Component Intelligence risks, you can click the menu button found at the end of the component's row and select Insights to view the component version's Insights page.
On this page, you can view a component version's insights:
Capabilities: Native functionality offered by the component. Capabilities currently detectable:
- Network Communications: The software component possesses the ability to communicate over the network.
- System Operation: The software component possesses the ability to execute system level commands.
- Cryptography: The software component possesses the ability to secure communications.
- Serialization: The software component possesses the ability to convert data structures to byte streams.
- File System Access: The software component possesses the ability to interact with the local file system.
- Compression: The software component possesses the ability to compress data.
- Security operations (Sanitizers & Validators): The software component possesses the ability to sanitize and/or validate input data.
Information Leak: Detected valid IPv4/6 addresses including domains identified within the codebase.
Pre/Post Installation: Various component configuration findings and observations. Observations may signify security and/or operational concerns.
Understanding the types of risk
There are three types of risk being assessed across all projects, project versions, and component versions:
Security Risk. Project and project version security risk is based on the vulnerabilities associated with the components that comprise the project and the project version's BOM. Component version security risk is based on the vulnerabilities associated with the versions in use in projects.
Vulnerabilities are linked to components by the CVE numbers, as reported in the National Vulnerabilities Database (NVD) maintained by NIST or by Black Duck Security Advisories (BDSA) numbers.
Note that the security risk values shown use CVSS v2 or CVSS v3.x scores, depending on which security risk calculation you selected; by default, CVSS v3.x scores are shown. Note that the graph displays a Critical risk category with a value of 0, if you selected CVSS v2.
Possible risk categories are Critical, High, Medium, Low, and None.
License Risk. Refers to the legal and compliance challenges that arise from using licensed software. These risks include failing to meet license obligations, dealing with conflicting licenses, and unintentionally exposing proprietary code.
License risk is assigned one of four categories of overall risk: High, Medium, Low, and None.
Click here for more information on how license risk for a component is determined.
Operational Risk. Operational risk is based on a combination of factors: (1) the strength of the component community, including the number of contributors and the level of commit activity; and (2) the number of newer versions of the component that are available than the one that is currently in use.
There are four categories of operational risk are High, Medium, Low, and None.