Changing your Black Duck password

Note: If your system administrator has enabled LDAP on the Black Duck server, user account information and passwords are managed by LDAP. You cannot change your password in Black Duck.

If your Black Duck server does not use LDAP to manage user accounts, your username and initial password were created by your Black Duck administrator. You can change your password on your profile page.

Tip: If you forget your password, a user with the User Administrator role can change it for you.

To change your password:

  1. Log in to Black Duck.

  2. From the user menu located on the top navigation bar, select Profile.

  3. Click Change Password to display the Change Password modal.

    Change Password modal
  4. Type your current password in the Current Password field.

  5. Type your new password in the New Password field.

    If there are password requirements, those requirements are listed in the dialog box. Black Duck notes when each requirement is met as you type your new password. You will not be able to save this password if it does not meet all requirements.

  6. Type the same new password in the Confirm Password field.

  7. Click Save.