Vulnerability report
You can create a vulnerability remediation report, vulnerability status report, or vulnerability update report for a specific project version.
To run a vulnerability report at the project version level:
Select the project name using the Watching or My Projects dashboard. The Project Name page appears.
Select the version of the project for which you want to run the report.
Select the Reports tab.
Click Create > Create Vulnerability Report.
- Select one of the following from the Report Type list:
Vulnerability Remediation Report
Vulnerability Status Report
Vulnerability Update Report
Select either HTML or CSV as the report format.
Tip: Use the CSV option when your data becomes too large to render and view in the browser. -
Select dates for the Vulnerability Remediation and Vulnerability Update reports.
For the Vulnerability Remediation report, the date represents the day when the vulnerability was published.
For the Vulnerability Update report, the date represents the day on which the vulnerability was added to a project version or the information associated with the vulnerability was updated.
Optionally, for the Vulnerability Remediation Report, select one or more remediation statuses.
- Click Confirm to run the report.
One of the following links appears when the report completes:
vulnerability-remedation-report_<ProjectName>-<VersionName>_<YYYY-MM-DD>_<HHMMSS> (time stamp in system timezone)
vulnerability-status-report_<ProjectName>-<VersionName>_<YYYY-MM-DD>_<HHMMSS> (time stamp in system timezone)
vulnerability-update-report_<ProjectName>-<VersionName>_<YYYY-MM-DD>_<HHMMSS> (time stamp in system timezone)
Select the link to view the report.
If you selected CSV as the report format, download the report and extract the zip file.
For reports in CSV format:
The archive file name is <ReportName>-<ProjectName>-<ProjectVersion>_<YYYY-MM-DD>_<HHMMSS>.zip (time stamp in system timezone).
The directory and filename are <ReportName>-<ProjectName>-<ProjectVersion>_<YYYY-MM-DD>_<HHMMSS>/<ReportName>-<ProjectName>-<ProjectVersion>_<YYYY-MM-DD>_<HHMMSS>.csv (same time stamps as archive file name).
The following characters < > \ / | : * ? + “ in the project or version name are replaced with underscores (_).