Cloning project versions
When creating a new project version, Black Duck lets you select an existing project version and clone its component edits, remediation details, and/or license term fulfillment status to the new project version. Use cloning to help reduce your workload by using the analysis and resolutions you defined in an existing project version as a baseline for a new version.
Unlike persistent edits which synchronizes edits made in one version to all other versions of that project, edits made to the baseline version do not propagate to the cloned version. This gives you the ability to experiment with the cloned version while keeping the original version intact. Note that if you have enabled persistent edits, then edits made to the baseline version will be propagated to the cloned version.
To successfully use cloning:
Enable cloning, as described below.
Run a scan to the new version.
Cloned information appears in the cloned project version for components that are the same as in the original project version: if a component is not included in the newly scanned files, then that component will not be included in the new cloned project version. Cloned information will appear in the cloned project version for components that were manually added in the original project version.
By default, all options are cloned:
Additional Fields: Custom field information.
- Component Edits:
Component and/or version information
Review flag
Ignored components
Manually added components
Confirmed snippet adjustments
Policy violation overrides and comments
Deep License Data
- Remediation Details:
Remediation status
Target date
Actual date
Remediation comments
- License Fulfillment Status. For license terms requiring fulfillment:
Fulfillment status (fulfilled or unfulfilled)
For fulfilled license terms, the user who fulfilled the term and the date it was fulfilled
- Version Settings:
Release Date
You can modify these settings by using the Cloning section in the Project Details section of the Settings tab of a project, as described here.
Enabling cloning
You enable cloning:
- Select Clone for the version you wish to clone from the Project
Name page. The version of the Clone Version dialog box that appears
depends on whether Version Settings was selected as a cloning attribute
for the project:
If Version Settings was selected, specify the version name in the Clone Version dialog box and click Clone.
If Version Settings was not selected, specify the version name in the Clone Version dialog box, enter any of the other project version settings, and click Clone.
Use the --cloneFrom parameter when using the command line to scan and create a project version.