Defining conflicts for customer license terms
Black Duck has identified those KnowledgeBase license terms that are in conflict with other KnowledgeBase terms that have the same name but opposing responsibilities.
You can define the custom license terms for forbidden or required actions that are in conflict with Black Duck KnowledgeBase terms or with your custom license terms.
Defining an incompatible term
You can define incompatible terms for your custom license terms with a forbidden or required responsibility, including deprecated custom license terms.
A required license term can only be defined as incompatible to a forbidden license term.
A forbidden license term can only be defined as incompatible to a required license term.
You cannot define incompatible terms for:
Black Duck KnowledgeBase license terms
Custom license terms with a permitted responsibility
To define an incompatible term:
Log in to Black Duck with the License Manager role.
> Licenses.
The License Management page appears.
Select the License Terms tab to display all license terms.
in the row of the custom license term and select Incompatible Terms to open the Incompatible Terms dialog box.
Type the incompatible license term name in the Select Terms field.
Black Duck displays a list of terms that have the opposite responsibility as possible incompatible license terms; for example if you are defining conflicts for a forbidden license term, only required terms appear in the list.
Select a term and click Add.
Optionally, repeat step 4 to add additional incompatible license terms.
Click Close.
Viewing incompatible terms
Log in to Black Duck with the License Manager role.
> Licenses.
The License Management page appears.
Select the License Terms tab to display all license terms.
in the row of the license term and select Incompatible Terms to open the Incompatible Terms dialog box which lists the incompatible terms for this license term.
Note that if a Black Duck KnowledgeBase license term does not have any incompatible license terms, the Incompatible Terms option is not available.
Deleting incompatible license terms
You cannot delete incompatible terms defined for Black Duck KnowledgeBase license terms. You can only delete incompatible terms that you have defined for your custom license terms.
Log in to Black Duck with the License Manager role.
> Licenses.
The License Management page appears.
Select the License Terms tab to display all license terms.
in the row of the custom license term and select Incompatible Terms to open the Incompatible Terms dialog box.
in the row of the custom term that you want to remove.
Click Remove to confirm.