Using the Snippet View
Clicking # snippet displays the Snippet View. The information shown here depends on whether you uploaded source files during the snippet scan.
If you uploaded source files, the Snippet View displays the source file on the left pane and the matched component on the right pane:
Highlighted code indicates the lines of code that were matched in the source file to the component in the current match.
If you did not upload source files, the matched component appears in the right pane:
Highlighted text shows the lines of code of the component that were matched by the selected (current) match.
If the file has more than one snippet match, a message appears at the bottom of the Snippet View, letting you navigate to the next snippet match.
The Snippet View provides the following information for the current match (and any alternative matches):
Component name and version.
Component license.
Release date.
Match file path.
Percentage of the scanned file that matches the component file.
The Alternative Matches drop-down list shows alternative components and/or component versions which could be possible matches for the selected snippet. The match which is currently assigned to the selected snippet is the default. Selecting a match from the drop-down list displays the code for that component or component version.
Snippet adjustments that are available are:
Confirm Match
Undo Confirmation
Ignore Match
Unignore Match
Reviewing a snippet match in the Snippet View
In the Source tab, select # snippet in the Match Type column for the snippet match you wish to review.
Select one of these options:
Confirm. If the snippet match has not been confirmed.
Undo Confirmation. If the snippet match has been confirmed and you want to unconfirm it.
Ignore Match. If the snippet match has not been ignored.
Unignore Match. If the snippet match has been ignored and you want to unignore it.
Select Alternative Matches to view other possible matches. You can:
Select one of possible alternative matches.
Select to manually enter an alternative match.
Selecting this option displays fields from which you can select the component, version, and/or origin ID. After selecting the values, click Confirm.